I Just Can't Stop 3D Printing In Vase Mode - Sierpinski's Pyramid Ender 3 Pro
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This 3D printable version of Sierpinski’s Pyramid is one of the most beautiful geometric 3D models on Thingiverse. Inspired by Sierpinski’s triangle, this model by Ricktu on Thingiverse(Link at the end of the description) features pyramids that form pyramids that form even more pyramids and so on. The result is just as beautiful to watch as it progresses as it is after the 3D print. It makes for a great conversation piece.
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Even better this model can be 3D Printed completely in vase mode also known as spiralize outer contour. This allows such a complex model to be 3D printed in a more reasonable amount of time. The 3D print in this time lapse measured around 9cm x 13 cm x 13cm and was completed in just under 11 hours but the basic level 4 model can be printed in around an hour. The Thingiverse model comes with a fractal order of 4, 5 and 6. This is the fractal order 4. The level 6 of the same dimensions took forever to slide and would take well over a day to print.
How Time Lapse 3D Prints Work
After each .2 MM layer( That is barely thicker than a sheet of paper!) the 3D printer pauses, moves the extruder to the rear of the printer, takes a photo and then continues the print giving the illusion of the print appearing from thin air.
#3dprinting #octolapse #octoprint
Who Is The 3D Printed Teacher?
Welcome to the 3D Printed Teacher, the home for my favorite 3D Printed time lapse videos. I have taught middle school tech classes for nearly two decades in Orlando, Florida. If you are like me and want to find the best 3D prints around, please subscribe to enjoy my 3D print videos and the occasional 3D printing failure. All of my videos end with a link to the model I 3D printed.
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Model Link And Filament Details
Sierpinski’s Pyramid By Ricktu