I Can’t Stop Bouncing This 3D Printed Spring Ball – Time Lapse On Ender 3 Pro 3D Printer

3D printing a bouncing spring ball? I have to admit I was a bit doubtful when I first 3D printed this amazing Thingiverse model from JakeJake. The idea of folding a 3D print like origami and having it hold together(And bounce!) was a bit daunting. I think it is only the unusual choice of name for the 3D print, “Springy Shape” that has prevented it from being more well known. It only has 2 makes on Thingiverse which is a tragedy!

The first layer of the 3D print is by far the most challenging part of the print. I have had to restart the spring ball a couple times after one of the springs comes loose, but the rest of the print is usually smooth sailing. Then out comes the hot glue and you just fold it up! PLA 3D printing filament works perfectly for this print. I did try TPU(Ninjaflex) once, but it didn’t really bounce and was way too stringy. The 3D printed spring ball

Wait until you see what I 3D print next! Subscribe below and help me convince my wife that my 3D Printer is more than a toy(It is more than a toy right…?)

How Time Lapse 3D Prints Work
After each .2 MM layer( That is barely thicker than a sheet of paper!) the 3D printer pauses, moves the extruder to the rear of the printer, takes a photo and then continues the print giving the illusion of the print appearing from thin air.
#3dprinting #octolapse #ender3

Who Is The 3D Printed Teacher?
Welcome to the 3D Printed Teacher, the home for my favorite 3D Printed time lapse videos. I have taught middle school tech classes for nearly two decades in Orlando, Florida. If you are like me and want to find the best 3D prints around, please subscribe to enjoy my 3D print videos and the occasional 3D printing failure. All of my videos end with a link to the model I 3D printed.

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Model Link
Springy Shape By JakeJake

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